
Our Dashboard

We provide complete visibility on cases and scans with our unique dashboard which is owned by us and designed for the needs of NHS trusts.

The customer portal gives access to the client managers and client administration teams to provide a variety of information concerning KPI performance, breakdown of total number of scans sent for reporting and a live status of all scans.

RadiCube displays the status of all studies sent i.e., number sent, number reported, urgent findings etc. This greatly reduces the time administration staff need to spend on chasing up this type of information as compared to other providers.

The portal has several key information tabs, the home screen, above, provides access to the other tabs plus an overview of the current status of reports and volume data over a period of time for each modality.

The portal also provides an opportunity to the referrers to raise discrepancies on any Vital Radiology report and will work as a channel of communication between the referrers and the reporting Radiologists. The use of this portal bypasses the traditional route for queries via the Radiology Manager and in house Radiologists thereby saving costs and resources.



The audit information details our internal audit of Radiologists and gives details of patient, modality, body part and category number.



The notices tab gives an overview of any urgent findings. Urgent findings will be available via the portal in addition to any other process required by the Trust such as phone call or email to a key Trust contact. The portal allows the user to acknowledge the urgent finding which also provides a clear audit trail.



The discrepancy tab gives details of any discrepancies raised by the Trust and the response back from the original reporting Radiologists. The portal provides referrers direct contact with the reporting Radiologists for questions or queries.